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Dry and dull and skin is so 2018!

Dry and dull and skin is so 2018!


December passed by in a blur. The lead up to Christmas and the New Year is totally magical, yet, absolutely hectic.

We battled crowds in busy shopping centres, Christmas shopped during our lunch breaks (thank you, Amazon!), braved the local supermarkets and still found the time to take the kids to see Santa. By night. there was our annual office bash, your partner’s, and plans seemed to materialise from every angle.

And then the big day arrived. Armed with black bags, we tried to stop the house from being taken over by wrapping paper. We indulged in a gourmet Christmas lunch, played games and watched Christmas films all night long.

And then you blink, and its New Year’s Eve. You doll yourself up, drink a few too many glasses of prosecco and wake up the next morning feeling a little worse-for-wear.


Caught up in the month-long festivities, our healthy lifestyle and skincare regime can often be pushed aside. And now Christmas (well, December) is over, it’s really important to look after and nourish your skin.

And it’s even more important now the temperature has plummeted below zero and we’re pumping our houses, cars and workplaces full of artificial warmth.

Natura Siberica’s Body Butters are nourishing, hydrating and, most importantly in January as we're all skint, affordable!

Rich Siberian Body Butter - £6.75

Altai Oblepikha and Arctic Cloudberry oils protect skin from environmental impacts, making it smooth and soft. Wild beeswax adds smoothness and is an excellent natural moisturiser.

Siberian cedar and Red Juniper oils improve blood circulation, while Siberian Fir Oil rejuvenates and smoothes skin. Adaptogenic Limonnik Nanai is highly beneficial for the skin due to its antioxidant properties, and it is rich in vitamins E and C!

Day after day, your skin will become softer and smoother!

Oblepikha Body Butter - £6.75

This nourishing and moisturising butter provides complete care for dry and dehydrated skin of the body.

The Altai sea buckthorn oil deeply nourishes, restores and moisturises skin. Siberian Dwarf Pine extract saturates the skin with essential fatty acids necessary for its nutrition. Wild Siberian Rowan extract moisturises the skin, making it incredibly soft and silky.

And it's suitable for vegans and vegetarians!

Thick Natural Daurian Body Butter - £11.50

Thick Natural Daurian Body Butter is ideal for dry and sensitive skin. Siberian Ginseng, full of minerals that is peculiar only to this type of ginseng, revitalises dry skin.

Daurian oils have great tonic and aromatherapy effects and Kachim Daurian extract has gentle anti-inflammatory effects.

Start the year with glowing, hydrated and nourished skin!

And have a very happy New Year!